Year 6 - WW2 Evacuees - 30/04/2021
Year 6 - WW2 Evacuees

This term Year 6 have been learning about World War 2, and we recently became evacuees for the day. We got to experience what life could have been like for an evacuee during the war.
We arrived at school dressed head to toe in evacuee clothes, including our identity cards and gas mask bags with our name tags on them. Then we were lined up ready to be picked by our foster familys just like children would have been in WW2.
Mrs Coombs and Mrs Roberts both walked along the lines where the children were standing looking for the smartest and cleanest children to take home (this was how children were chosen in World War 2). I was lucky enough to be one of the children chosen by Mrs Roberts and Freya was picked by Mrs Coombs.

Next we found out about food rationing. We worked out how much food a family of 2, 4 and 5 would have had for a week during WW2, and measured out 50 grams of butter. The results were shocking! How could a person survive on 50 grams of butter for a whole week?
In the afternoon we made our very own gas masks. They were quite scary and I wouldn’t like to wear a real gas mask.
It was fun being an evacuee for the day, but I am glad I was not a child during World War 2.

- Harrison / Year 6
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