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School Improvement

Self-evaluation is a continuous process within our school, both formally and informally through the analysis of data, lesson observations, book scrutinies and listening to our learners. We also act upon any external evaluation processes such as Estyn, the Education Advisory Service and the local authority.
An important part of self-evaluation is listening to the views of parents, governors and the community too. We work closely with all our stakeholders to be the very best that we can be. This information can be gathered through general chats in coffee mornings or more formally through questionnaires. If you are asked to complete a questionnaire for us, please do respond, as your views are very important to us and will help us to plan and move forward.
Our pupils’ health and wellbeing is our first priority and we believe they have a right to have a say on things that directly affect them, as set out in Article 12 of the United Nation Convention on the Rights of The Child. Our various pupil voice groups ensure that ALL pupils know they can share their views and opinions and there is always someone there to listen.
When carrying out our self-evaluation, we ask ourselves three questions:
How well are we doing?
How do we know how well we’re doing?
What can we do to improve?
In asking these questions we can identify what we’re doing really well and what we need to do to improve?
The areas we identify for improvement form the priorities in our School Development Plan for the following year.
An overview of the areas identified for this academic year and the following two years can be found by clicking the link below.
Our School Development Plan can be found by clicking the link below.