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School Uniform

School Uniform
Children at BHVC Primary are expected to wear a school uniform.  Uniform with the school logo can be purchased directly from Cottonfield Embroidery, Blaenavon (01495 793101 / 07952 727509)

Golden yellow polo shirt

Mid-blue sweatshirt / cardigan

Black skirt / trousers / pinafore dress

Black shoes

Dark trainers on PE days


Golden yellow polo shirt

Mid-blue sweatshirt

Black trousers  long / short

Black shoes

Dark trainers on PE days

Trainer-style black shoes are permitted, but must not have any bright logos etc.  Brightly coloured trainers are not permitted.
Please note: Pupils should not wear denim jeans to school. We expect all pupils to have a change of kit in school for PE: Black shorts, golden yellow round-neck t-shirt and trainers or daps.
Please ensure that all clothing is clearly labelled with the name of your child, as it enables us to easily identify and return items that have been mislaid.
The school will not be responsible for any items of clothing that are unnamed.