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Dosbarth Glas - Spring Term - 25/03/2021

Dosbarth Glas - Spring Term


We are really excited to tell everyone about the exciting things we have been doing to celebrate Easter!
This week we have been completing all things Easter! We started the week by looking at money and paying for items. We looked at all the different coins we could use to pay with, such as 1p, 2p, 5p and even pound coins! We got to choose items that we wanted from the shop in maths and then used our coins to pay for them. We were so good at paying for items we decided to pay for Easter eggs.
We had a very creative week and made lots of Easter craft items! After learning about the Easter story, we made an Easter basket with pictures we coloured in from the story. We talked about what happened in the story and used our story map to retell it. We have used our knowledge of 2d shapes to make bunnies and chicks as well as developing our cutting skills.
The most exciting thing we have done this week is making Easter nests. We got to mix some delicious smelling chocolate with shredded wheat and put into the cupcake cases. The best part was putting mini eggs on the top! We were so excited to take them home and eat them. As well as the Easter nests we made our Easter cards. We got to choose between two designs and we hope you love them!
We have had a great week celebrating and learning about the origin of Easter and we cannot wait to show you all the wonderful things we have made!
Happy Easter!