Update - 26/06/2020
Thank You - 26/06/2020
Dear All,
As we prepare to come back together as our BHVC family, I’d like to take a minute to say thank you….
To my wonderful staff for all their hard work planning the distance learning, marking, giving feedback, meeting with pupils virtually and working in the hub. Many of our staff were also looking after vulnerable family members or juggling their commitment to school with trying to help their own children with homework, entertaining toddlers or trying to stop siblings killing each other during our virtual staff meetings!
To Mrs Coombs, my amazingly conscientious Deputy, for all her support, planning and organisational skills- she really is the Queen of spreadsheets and timetables!
To Torfaen Play and The Sports Development Team for their total commitment and support working with the children in our hub consistently over the last 3 months- you deserve a medal!
Not forgetting the superduper cleaners and caretakers who’ve kept the building spick, span and germ free! Not to mention the catering staff who have provided delicious lunches, tea’s and snacks for the children and staff- we’ll definitely miss you when we go back!
To Justin, our very talented ‘media’ expert for getting all the important messages and videos out to you, including helping everyone (teachers and parents alike) with all the many technical issues we’ve had over the last few months.
To the parents who’ve stepped up to become educators, you’ve been incredibly supportive, patient and understanding. We salute you all for your efforts and as parents ourselves, we’ve felt your pain! After this experience, the half term holidays and even that 6 week summer break will be a doddle for you all!
To our Governors who’ve supported me through these strangest of times and become technological experts, navigating their way around our Teams meetings.
But mainly thanks to our wonderful children for engaging so well on Google classrooms, for staying at home and helping to protect our community, for not driving your parents mad (although I’m sure there have been times!) and for just coping so well with everything!
We can’t wait to welcome you back- and for those of you not coming back yet, we’ll be even more excited to see you in September.
School isn’t going to be the same as far as the classrooms and the routines are concerned, but rest assured, the teachers haven’t changed (Mr Booth is still as crazy!) and they’re ready and waiting to hear all about your lockdown stories and give you a virtual hug.
So don’t worry, we’re all here for you whether you are in the building or at home. We’re all in this together and together we are stronger! See you very soon xxx
Mrs J. Howells
Head Teacher
